In this gripping documentary, we delve into the harrowing story of Pia, a woman who was brutally raped as a young stable girl. Three decades later, she finds herself on the brink of death due to her long-standing battle with anorexia. Determined to survive, Pia starts writing a diary as a means to heal and reclaim her life.
As Pia documents her childhood, long-buried memories begin to resurface. Driven by an unyielding desire for closure and justice, she embarks on a journey to confront her traumatic past. Pia reaches out to old friends who also worked as stable girls, and her investigation uncovers a chilling revelation.
Far from being an isolated incident, Pia learns that her horrific experience was part of a pervasive culture of sexual abuse within the equestrian world. This dark underbelly of abuse was known to many, yet carefully concealed by a veil of secrecy and complicity.
Join Pia as she bravely confronts her own demons and exposes the hidden truth about the equestrian world's sinister past. This powerful documentary is an unflinching exploration of trauma, resilience, and the courage it takes to break the silence surrounding abuse. Witness Pia's inspiring journey as she seeks to heal and give voice to those who have suffered in silence for far too long.
In development/ financing /pre-production
coming soon